Did you know that a simple smile can be one of your secret weapons in winning hearts and crowns? In the competitive world of pageantry, especially with interviews, a genuine smile can make all the difference!
Most people realize the value of a smile: it can demonstrate happiness, approval, self-satisfaction and joy. In the world of pageantry, persuasion, and any interview prep, a smile is a valuable body language tool that can help you relay your emotions in the moment, influence someone positively who is engaging with you, and set a tone that is upbeat and positive.
- The Science Behind Smiling
Trained body language experts differentiate two types of smiles: the Duchenne Smile (the is the real deal, genuine smile) and the Non-Duchenne Smile (this is the social or polite smile that is often present, but not as genuine).
The Duchenne smile was named after the French anatomist, Guillaume Duchenne, who discovered that this smile activates two key facial muscles. First, is the zygomatic major, the muscle that pulls the corners of the mouth upward. Next, is the orbicularis oculi, which causes the eyes to crinkle at the corner. Thus, we have two key elements of a “real” and sincere smile: upturned corners of the mouth and that special crinkle at the corners of the eyes.
The Non-Duchenne Smile is a social or “polite” smile, that typically involves muscles around the mouth. Although it is often used by many people to convey politeness, friendliness, or other social cues, body language experts know it is not a reflection of genuine happiness.
- The Benefits of Smiling in Interviews
However, whether your smile in an interview of any type is “genuine” or not, its usage has an impact on your body and mind in many positive ways. It can impact your health, your mood, and even the moods of the people around you (like the judges or interviewers)!
Because my interview prep with you is so important, understanding the power of the nonverbal smile is as valuable to you as understanding the verbal expression we will work on diligently. First, smiling can reduce stress. If you smile, even if you do not feel like smiling, or even if you “fake it” with a Non-Duchenne smile, this simple act can help improve your mood and help you manage the ability to manage the stress you can easily be experiencing in these important interview situations.
- Practical Tips for Perfecting Your Smile
Smiling can help you to feel happy. So, the next time you are feeling unsure or nervous, put on a smile! There’s a good psychological chance your mood will change for the better. And what better impact on a productive and successful interview than having replaced your nerves with some practice on using your beautiful smile!
Remember, the physical act of smiling activates pathways in your brain that influence your emotional state. So, if you practice adopting and sustaining that happy facial expression, you can convince your mind to enter a state of increased happiness. And this important tip works, whether your smile is truly genuine or not! In addition, and very important when you are engaging with another person in an interview situation, smiling can not only elevate your mood, but it can also uplift the moods of others surrounding you and speaking with you… all for the better!
Ready to harness the power of your smile? Sit or stand and start practicing in front of your favorite mirror today! Watch how a smile is the first step in transforming your confidence and interview success. For personalized coaching and more successful tips, contact me at Pageant Winner Consulting!
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