Winner's Package
(6) 55 Minute Sessions Via Skype $475 paid in advance
(Payment plans are available with prior agreed upon arrangements)
Learning Interview Techniques
Interview Practice and Analysis
Confidence Analysis and Review
On Stage Question Practice
Opening and/or Closing Creation Included
Paperwork (review and creation or recreation ) is included at no additional charge, a $300 savings!
If you purchase the Winner's Package, you gain any additional practice sessions at the loyalty rate of $75 per 55 minutes, paid in advance.
The Queen's Package
(3) 55 Minute Sessions Via Skype $230 paid in advance
Learning the Interview Philosophy:
What it is and what it isn’t - in pageantry and in life.
Learn Interview Techniques
Interview Practice and Analysis
Confidence Analysis and Review
On Stage Question Practice
Opening and/or Closing Creation Included
Paperwork Analysis
If you purchase the Queen's Package, additional practice sessions can be scheduled at the loyalty rate of $75 per 55 minutes, paid in advance.

PWC CLient, Clare Mare Kuebler
Miss Missouri, 2022

Miss Pennsylvania, 2021
Winner at Miss America Competition
Crowning Practice Sessions
You may also purchase periodic, individual, 55-minute practice sessions. Although, the most economically feasible plan is the Queen's Package, your goals and schedule may need this option.
Royal Review
Mock Interviews
(With groups of 2-4 seasoned, experienced pageant judges and including appropriate questions and verbal feedback) in 15/20- and 20/40-minute segments. Time can be adjusted based on pageant requirements.
15/20-Minute Mock Interview - Contact me for pricing!
30/40-Minute Mock Interview - Contact me for pricing!
NOTE: My mock interview judges are experienced professionals, experienced pageant judges, and generally busy people. Please plan as far in advance as possible so that you can be sure to avail yourself of this valuable opportunity. Spaces are at a premium.
Regal Pageant Paperwork Creation
Pageant paperwork is often what the judges receive first, before they even meet you, and therefore, it is your first impression. Let's make it a fabulous one!
Each Regal Pageant Paperwork Creation Package below includes a beginning, individualized 30 - 55 minute Skype session with me so that I can make sure I get to know you and represent your best self on the written page. This session is included in the pricing.
Prior to our online session, I will ask that you email me your pageant's written expectations/rules so I can thoroughly review them to prepare your paperwork on your best behalf.
Pageant Paperwork Preparation for the Miss America System and the Miss America Volunteer System
Complete preparation of paperwork for each system above:
$150 per document or $300 for both
Pageant Paperwork for other Systems
Please contact me for fair pricing for paperwork completion for other systems. Pricing will be fairly based on length and complexity.

Miss Ohio, 2014 Miss America Competition
- STEM Scholarship Award
- Preliminary Talent Award
- Charles and Theresa Brown Scholarship

Royal Review - Stand Along Mock Interviews
30 Minute Mock Interview - $50
60 Minute Mock Interview - $95
Groups of 2 - 4 experienced pageant judges, including appropriate questions and verbal feedback!
Our mock interviews are real practice with experienced judges and relevant feeback!
Submit your completed pageant paperwork in advance of your appointment for proper question formulation by our judges. We will remind you. (We do "homework," like we do when judging a pageant; your interview will include reference to your paperwork as well as other appropriate pageant interview questions.)
Other mock interviews that are just a set of random "pageant questions, " which require little work on the part of the judging team, are NOT as valuable to your preparation!
Remember, practice makes progress! But good practice makes good progress!
NOTE: My mock interview judges are experienced pageant judges, and generally busy people. Please plan accordingly and contact me so we can be sure to schedule you for this valuable opportunity. Spaces are at a premium.
Flexible Consultation
Question! Vent! Plan! Discuss!
Schedule confidential, flexible consultation with me in segments of 20 - 30 or 60 - minute time allotments!
I am here for contestants, pageant moms, parents, family members, and loved ones! You are not alone!
Do you need to brainstorm, vent, strategize, or discuss your pageant placement and results in a trustworthy environment? I’ve been there and can help you make sense of it all!
Disappointed with results and need to regroup? Let me help you as your sounding board and confidante as we strategize and plan for the next steps.
As a pageant mom for eight years, a consultant for over a decade, and an educator for over thirty years, I have seen it all! I am happy to apply my well-honed knowledge and experience to your situation and help you move forward with a better attitude, a better understanding, and a specific, positive plan.
Contact me to set up a time to chat about whatever you need!
Consultation Pricing:
20-minute consultation - $20
30-minute consultation - $30
60-minute consultation - $60
Remember, all payments are required in advance, please.

1st RU
Payment Options: PayPal & Venmo (No refunds)